Friday, December 27, 2019

Australian Laws - Intellectual Property - 1120 Words

AUSTRALIAN LAWS – Intellectual Property What is intellectual property? Intellectual property is any creation, owned by one or multiple owners, that is used commercially. The designs, inventions or any work that is original can be protected by IP rights. Rights are established through application and prevent any use without permission. The only way to use this work, when not owned, would be to buy the rights. While rights are owned there is an opportunity to make advancements with limited opposition. This is due to the competition not being able to act since the idea is not theirs. What are your rights and how can you protect your intellectual property? Explore the various forms of protection for intellectual property including: patents,†¦show more content†¦The 4th to 9th cycle costs $300 - $350. The 15th to 19th cycle costs between $2300 - $2350 depending on the payment method (electronic or other). The protection period is then up after 20 years and would need to be renewed. A standard application for a trademark costs $120 per type (tv show etv). A trademarked series costs $270 per type. Registering fees are $300 which is the same cost of a renewal. Applying for rights over a design can cost $250 - $350 and renewed for $320 - $370. Examination fees cost $420 if done by the design owner and $210 if examined by a third party. If fees are late the price can increase by $100 per month for an average of up to six months. What are the constraints or issues surrounding protecting a design? Different forms of intellectual property protection have certain limitations on the time period they are in effect. The duration a patented design lasts is for 10 years. Fees are paid to make sure this protection remains. A registered design prevents third parties from utilizing the product for up to 25 years if it is renewed each five year period. Proof must be given that a person has created a design. These could be copies or photographic evidence of the design. The aspects of a design that are forbidden for use by others are the appearance, shape, arrangement and decoration. There are some criteria the design must meet in order for it to be protected. It must be new, not offensive, not contain already protected designs and is notShow MoreRelatedApplications of Australian Intellectual Property Law2213 Words   |  9 PagesAbstract In this paper, we evaluate the various applications of Australian Intellectual Property (IP) law. Special attention is given in its application in the performance of copyrighted songs in private commercial facilities, registration of new designs as well as patent ownership while in contractual employment. Part 1 In an attempt to cheer the patients who were unable to return home for the Christmas break, the staff of a private hospital arranged a concert and party on Christmas Eve. TurkeyRead More Use of Generalist Fair Use Defence in Australian Intellectual Property Law4952 Words   |  20 Pagesindividual and the Court system. But, there is always the risk by introducing such a measure, it may create loopholes, and at this current point in time, the Australian Court system is reluctant to import such a principle, although it has been acknowledged in obiter. It has been acknowledged, via legal forums, that the system of copyright law in Australia is complicated, and has been argued, through submission to be made simpler. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As introduced above, the Copyright ActRead MoreIntellectual Property Laws Of Australia Essay2086 Words   |  9 PagesIntellectual property is a broad term that is used to refer to the rights that the owner of an invention or an artwork enjoys. An example of intellectual property law is the Trade Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs), which gives individual rights such as patent, designs, and trademark. Intellectual property is contained in the Article 2(viii) of the convention, which led the establishment of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Literary works, inventions, discoveriesRead MoreEthics – Information Systems Assignment 2 - 11981634 Executive Summary- In the 21st century,1200 Words   |  5 Pagesproblems that could arise via exploration of Masons 1986 PAPA Framework which includes Privacy, accessibility, property and accuracy. Privacy - The power that current and future information systems afford us with to gather information about people, their preferences, and their activities by way of surveillance, communication, storage and retrieval is increasing (Mason, 1986). Thus, laws such as the Privacy Act 1988 have been created to navigate problems that information systems create. The 1988Read MoreDo Australia s Ip Laws Adequately Protect Fashion?3576 Words   |  15 PagesLAW3406 – Intellectual Property Law Name: Hannah Redmond-Josan Student ID: U1067123 Word Count: 3131 Question: Do Australia’s IP Laws adequately protect fashion? Introduction There is no doubt that there are laws within Australia containing provisions that may be applicable to fashion products. What is less clear, however, is how feasible and effective those provisions are in protecting fashion products in practice. The fact that the question is posed is perhaps a greater reflection ofRead Morechallenges faced by Indigenous People1251 Words   |  6 Pagescenturies of asserted colonial power, which consequently has resulted in the undermining of rights for many Indigenous communities, including the Australian Aboriginal Peoples and Maori Peoples of New Zealand. Systemic abuse of power has resulted in the gradual erosion of Indigenous culture, and as thus, rights of Indigenous communities, including Intellectual Property and Cultural Rights, have been neglected. As a result, a growing body of declarations, statements, and other developments both within governmentalRead MoreHuman Rights And The Constitution : Property Rights1388 Words   |  6 PagesCon stitution: Property Rights The High Court of Australia recently ruled in favour of the Commonwealth government in the cigarette plain packaging case, JT International and British American Tobacco v Commonwealth (2012) 291 ALR 669. The cigarette manufacturers had argued that plain packaging laws constitute an ‘acquisition of property’ (eg, trade marked logos and images on cigarette boxes) not on ‘just terms’. Was this a good outcome? Should the Australian Constitution protect property rights robustlyRead MoreCopyright And Intellectual Property Are Still Valid1066 Words   |  5 Pagesdisagree that laws relating to copyright and intellectual property are still valid in social media? Copy right is the limited and flexible legal right, given to the creator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform, film. The copyright law of Australia defines the legally enforceable rights of creators of innovative and artistic works under Australian law. The extent of copyright in Australia is defined in the Australian Copyright Act1968, which applies the national law throughout AustraliaRead MoreIntellectual Properties And How Can You Protect It?1004 Words   |  5 Pagesis Intellectual Properties and How Can You Protect It? What is Intellectual Property? Intellectual Property or IP is a representation of creations of the mind, or something that can be legally owned, Intellectual Property allows protection through patents, trademarks, copyright, designs, circuit layouts and plant breeder’s rights. Almost any business can have some form of intellectual property that they need to protect. What are your rights and how can you protect your intellectual property? ExploreRead MoreEthics And The Ethical Dilemma1252 Words   |  6 Pagesmanufacturers and as well as customers. Else they will face a great issue in future as well. Answer 2) LAW: Law is a system of rules provided by the constitution for well being of social behavior . Law provides some rules and rights to the citizens. As a manger we will be must making a patent of our invention or our product and by patenting the product and with the help of the Australian patent law we will be able to get profit if someone want to use our design for the product and thus if someone

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Is Gender The Same Element As Sex Essay - 1323 Words

Is Gender the same element as Sex? This topic is complicated for the reason that countless people confuse these two as the same, but they are two absolutely different concepts. There are several Cultural Myths about Gender and Sex. Gary Colombo, who wrote: â€Å"Thinking Critically, Challenging Cultural Myths† who explains that a cultural myth is a shared set of customs, values, ideas, and beliefs, as well as a common language. In â€Å"Sisterhood is Complicated† by Ruth Padawer who is a contributing writer at The New York Times Magazine, focusing on gender and social issues in â€Å"Sisterhood is Complicated† she shows various of the Stereotypes about Gender and Sex and how they are unmistakably just cultural myths. It also has how there are positives being transgender at an all women’s university. Aaron H. Devor is a Canadian sociologist and sexologist known for research of transsexuality and transgender communities he wrote: â€Å"Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender†; but Stephanie Coontz, The Author of: â€Å" What we Really Miss about the 1950s† explains what nostalgia is as desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one s life, home or homeland, or family and friends a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time. All of theses authors are in the book â€Å"Rereading America† the Tenth Edition. The words Gender and Sex can’t be used interchangeably. However, all the cultural myths people today think that Gender and Sex are theShow MoreRelatedSex, Gender, And Gender1468 Words   |  6 PagesPopular understanding reflects the view that sex refers to ones biological functions in comparison to gender, which is solely explained as a cultural impact in depicting ones identity. The conveying of these two concepts create implications in demonstrating the understanding of ones sex or gender as distinct elements, of personal characteristic s and human traits. Sex and gender are two contrasting features constantly interrelating, in day-to-day lives. A concise narrowing will be drawn from thisRead MoreImportance of Sex(Gender Role)1672 Words   |  7 PagesA gender role is a theoretical construct in the social sciences and humanities that refers to a set of social and behavioral norms that, within a specific culture, are widely considered to be socially appropriate for individuals of a specific gender. Proponents of gender role theory assert that observed gender differences in behavior and personality characteristics are, at least in part, socially constructed, and therefore, the product of socialization experiences; this contrasts with other modelsRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Children, Adolescents, And Adults1637 Words   |  7 Pagesoutlets have increasingly been displaying children, adolescents, and adults who are gender nonconforming. In films such as the 1999 Boys Don’t Cry and now the popular television show I am Cait, more attention has been given to those with the current diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria (GD) and/or those who define themselves as â€Å"transgendered† (Zuker et al., 2008). Despite this new attention, there is evidence that gender nonconforming individuals have existed in cultures in what would become the UnitedRead MoreReinforcing And Redefining The Narrative Of The Giver1281 Words   |  6 Pagesand Redefining the Construct of Gender in The Giver Can a society truly function without the social normative of gender? Lois Lowry begins to explore this idea in her text The Giver. This fictional society contains binary oppositions which paradoxically reinforce and redefine the gender norms. Gender is reinforced by the visual manifestations of girls, assumption of gender based on sex and alternative behaviour towards women. In opposition of these elements gender is redefined by the fulfilment ofRead MoreSex : Strict Dimorphism Or Sexual Haploid1620 Words   |  7 PagesSex: Strict dimorphism or sexual multiplicity The discussion of genes and gender and the respective roles they play in determining sex and identity have been widely discussed in recent decades. The idea that biology can solely determine ones sex, wherein no external factors impact that determination requires further discussion. The topic of whether there are strictly two distinct genders represented in society has been recognized largely as a western cultural viewpoint. While not everyone agreesRead MoreEssay about Women and Men Are Made, Not Born987 Words   |  4 Pagesof complex social processes. Beauvoir’s statement suggests that gender roles and behaviour are not inherent and that social positioning should not be determined by sex. This essay will begin by drawing a distinction between sex and gender, and will then discuss two arguments that explore the origins of gender difference; social construction theory as implied by Beauvoir’s statement, and the biological determinist position. Gender refers to the socially constructed categories of ‘masculine’ andRead MoreEssay The Debate over Same Sex Marriage894 Words   |  4 PagesThe Debate over Same Sex Marriage Legislation is deeply entrenched in language and the continual process of interpretation. Laws are created as a response to cultural and societal needs, wants and norms and are restructured and interpreted as these desires and standards change over time. The importance of the words chosen and the syntax used in order to translate societys standards into legislation are amplified over time because they are continuously deconstructed, examined, and analyzed.Read MoreGay, Straight, And The Reason About Sexual Orientation1236 Words   |  5 Pagesand accepting the many variations of human sexual orientation. More same-sex couples have fostered children than ever before in our nation s history. Institutions such as military and professional sports have (slowly but surely) began to accept openly gay members. Most importantly, a recent amendment to the Marriage Act of 1961 now defines marriage as a union of two people; an amendment which removed the prohibition of same-sex marriages. T hese landmarks in the progression of social awarenessRead MoreSex and Gender1424 Words   |  6 Pagespotential to sustain a pregnancy helps us sort humans into male and female. Simple as pie. Which is good because sorting people by sex is something that is very important to most people. Watch nearly anybody go up to someone holding an infant and the first thing that she or he will ask the parent if the child is a girl or a boy. But why should it matter to anyone what the sex of the baby is? Even if it is easy to tell masculine from feminine. Except, of course, that its not. Theres nothing at all simpleRead MoreTwelfth Night By William Shakespeare1666 Words   |  7 Pagessilliness (Feste, Maria, romance, pranks, and drama) and seriousness (Malvolio, dourness, rules, and stresses of life). One facet of this is gender – the main protagonist Viola presents as male for most of the play. Shakespeare, whether intentionally or not, has shown prime examples of projected identity based on sex, gender roles, and the power associated with each sex. These messages were revolutionary at the time, and only in recent decades are people really beginning to examine them, but Shakespeare

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Current Era Is the Era of Globalizationâ€Free samples for Student

Question: Differences between Current Era Is the Era of Globalization? Answer: Introduction The current era is the era of globalization. It is one of the most important concepts of the twentieth century. Moreover, it is an emerging trend in businesses. Globalization alludes as a procedure by which business associations grow their universal impact all around the globe. In other words, it is the procedure of global incorporation as well as integration by which business firms begin to work their organizations on worldwide scale. In addition, globalization is a procedure of interface and incorporation among the locals, organizations, and legislatures of various countries. Globalization plays a major role in order to develop and expand the organizations, technologies, and advancements in the world. It brought revolutionary changes in all the aspects of businesses. Along with this, the concept of free trade and international trade originated by globalization. It is because of globalization permits free exchange of goods, commodities, capital, services, etc. among different nation s of the world. On the other hand, globalization gave new dimensions to both developed as well as developing countries. With the help of globalization, there can be seen strong relationships between developed and developing nations. Now, both these countries have become broad in their thoughts; and making all their possible efforts to fulfill the needs of one another in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, globalization is the assimilation of a country's economy with the economy of world; where goods, commodities, capital, and services move across the borders of nations. Apart from this, this research paper would be worthwhile to depict the real ideas identified with the concept of globalization. This paper would also be valuable to illustrate the nations/businesses that are influenced by globalization. Furthermore, this research paper would be advantageous to show the positive as well as negative cases that are related with the concept of globalization. Concepts of Globalization Globalization is a typical term that is generally utilized as a part of the twentieth century. The term globalization portray that the world has turned out to be coordinated by socially, socially, monetarily, and politically all through the improvement of correspondence, transportation, and innovation. It is the technique for consolidation and trade of social, social, and monetary part of individuals outside national limits. Alongside this, globalization has assumed a noteworthy part to enhance the economies of countries in more valuable way. The advancement in advances has enabled organizations to work their organizations past the country limits (Aydinli Rosenau, 2012). Additionally, as a result of globalization, organizations turn out to be more imaginative and aggressive. Countries/Industries are affected by Globalization Globalization is a procedure of social, political, and financial joining. It has separated limits among various countries. Also, both developing and developed nations have been influenced by globalization. It is a direct result of with the assistance of this, business associations wind up plainly ready to receive and actualize distinctive creative systems for the development of their organizations. These techniques of organizations were completely in light of the new ideological patterns that were useful to make adjust between the rights and enthusiasm of individuals and in addition business associations (Goldberg Pavcnik, 2007). Additionally, with the assistance of globalization, both developing as well as developed nations end up noticeably ready to work and contend comprehensively. The source of globalization has rolled out emotional improvements for pioneers, work and administration by legitimately obliging the contribution of laborers and government in the advancement and execu tion of arrangements and also techniques of business associations. Likewise, business companies additionally executed broadening systems to lessen chances and to work and grow their organizations in both national and worldwide commercial centers (Lee Vivarelli, 2006). On the other hand, globalization brought rebuilding at the national and in addition universal levels. Especially, it brought rebuilding of universal exchange, creation, and money related markets for both developing and developed nations (Roberts, Hite, Chorev, 2014). Alongside this, globalization has impacted modern monetary and additionally social relations through multilateralism and microeconomic patterns including business intensity universally. The transformation of generation frameworks has affected the business structure, work process, and use of innovation in a positive way. The occasion of globalization is drive by four main considerations, for example, globalization of items, globalization of money related markets propelled advances, and deregulation. The globalization of item and in addition budgetary markets has expanded financial combination in both creating and created nations. The propelled advancements have offered new dissemination channels to the business associati ons of both creating and created countries (Dator, Pratt, Seo, 2006). In addition, deregulation has allowed section of new suppliers to increment multinational presence in the business exercises. In addition to this, globalization offers development chances to both developing and developed nations by diminishing macroeconomic instability on yield and utilization of countries. Additionally, with the assistance of globalization, creating nations wind up plainly ready to enhance their financial development and resolve the insufficiency issues inside the nations. Preceding globalization, business firms of creating nations were not able take focal points of world economy due to the exchange obstructions. They were not able share the financial development like the created nations. Be that as it may, after the globalization, the World Bank elevated creating nations to go completely through market changes and also radical changes with the assistance of extensive credits (Goryakin, Lobstein, James, Suhrcke, 2015). Therefore, with globalization, creating nations wind up plainly ready to evacuate exchange hindrances to take focal points of the world economy. Along with this, with globalization, creating nations wind up plainly ready to enhance their business level. It is a direct result of developed nations started to put resources into creating nations and furthermore made openings for work for the general population of countries. As a result, there can be seen fast development in the creating nations particularly in India and China. This quick development diminished the level of destitution and raised the way of life of individuals of creating nations. Alongside this, globalization has set up solid connection amongst created and creating countries. Creating countries rely on upon created countries just for assets and innovation. Created countries rely on upon creating countries for crude materials, items, products, oil, et cetera (Bianchini, Akerson, Barton, Lee Rodriguez. 2012). In this way, globalization has built up a more grounded connection amongst developing and developed. Also, with the assistance of this relationship, both cre ating as well as created countries are profited similarly. On the other hand, globalization is an unavoidable wonder that influenced every one of the parts of creating nations and created nations. For case, modern and budgetary globalization expanded manageability and made heaps of chances for both created and also creating nations. Alongside this, creating nations are broadly influenced by globalization. It is a direct result of now creating nations are capable to pull in outside financial specialists and hold remote capital for the monetary development of the countries. Also, with globalization, unhindered commerce amongst creating and created nations has expanded (Basu, Bhattacharya, Das, Ghosh Sarkar, 2007). Presently, business firms can transport merchandise, items, and administrations in a less demanding and speedier way. The facilitated commerce diminished the odds of war among countries and enhanced the economy development of the countries also. In the same manner, globalization created wellbeing and additionally training frameworks inside the creating countries. The training level of creating nations has expanded with globalization. It is a direct result of globalization gave openings for work and incited advanced education inside countries. It ought to be noted down that wellbeing and instruction assume a noteworthy part to enhance the economy of countries (Dahlman, 2007). With globalization, there can be seen a solid connection between wellbeing and instruction framework and financial development of the countries. The financial development straightforwardly enhances the expectations for everyday comforts and additionally future of individuals of the creating countries. In addition, with globalization, the lack of education rate of creating nations has been lessened. The future and expectations for everyday comforts of creating countries has enhanced all through monetary additions from globalization. There are loads of uni versal associations such as: Non-Governmental Organization, World Health Organization, and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization those assume a noteworthy part to diminish ignorance rate and to enhance future and expectations for everyday comforts of the general population of creating countries (Cornia, 2001). Along with this, with globalization, social contrasts have diminished between creating nations and created nations. Societies of various creating nations have been changed completely through globalization. They duplicated the way of life of created nations to take points of interest of world economy. Before globalization, the creating nations were not ready to know the way of life of alternate nations and created nations too. In addition, due to critical stuff of globalization, for example, satellite, the web, and propelled advances, creating nations wind up plainly ready to realize that what methodologies and strategies are utilized by created nations for their financial development and improvement. Likewise, completely through the globalization, both creating nations and created nations end up noticeably ready to know each other in a superior way (Frege Kelly, 2013). Along these lines, it is believed that, the cultural, economic, and social aspects of both creating as well as crea ted nations are similarly influenced through globalization. Positive and Negative Cases Related to Globalization Globalization has influenced the creating and created nations in both positive and additionally negative way. Globalization has made inconveniences for poor nations. The significant explanation for it is that globalization has created imbalances between the rich and poor nations. Besides, with globalization, the rich nations are getting to be noticeably wealthier; and poor people nations are getting to be noticeably poorer. The advantages of globalization are not widespread. For case, in recent decades, creating nations, for example, India and China have grown speedier than the rich nations (Braun, 2008). In any case, the rustic regions of China are as yet enduring the circumstance of neediness. Then again, there are various positive and negative cases identified with globalization. These cases are portrayed as beneath: Positive Cases: There are various cases those are useful to demonstrate that how globalization has functioned in the support of business associations. For instance, the case identified with Starbucks and Coca-cola can be considered as positive instances of globalization. With globalization, both these organizations end up noticeably ready to create and extend their business inside worldwide markets. Starbucks, that is one of the most established chains of eateries on the planet profited through globalization (Ritzer Dean, 2014). After globalization, Starbucks opened its branches in both creating and in addition created countries. The organization wound up plainly ready to comprehend the tests and inclinations of the clients of various societies. In addition to this, the achievement and development of Starbucks thoroughly rely on upon the idea of globalization. Presently, the organization has around 30,000 eateries in more than 110 nations. It utilized roughly 1.5 million workers to work its business all around the globe. Likewise, the organization bolsters activities to guarantee its worldwide image to take favorable circumstances of worldwide economy. Individuals may discover Starbucks around each edge of the world. It is an unmistakable indication of globalization; and furthermore a positive instance of globalization (Spence Leipziger, 2010). Because of globalization, Starbucks has made a colossal progress on a worldwide scale. Along with this, globalization assumed a noteworthy part in the development and in addition achievement of Coca-Cola. The significant goal of Coca-Cola was to be wherever all around the globe. Additionally, globalization satisfies the goals of the organization in a strong way. The organization attempted all its conceivable endeavors to construct its picture according to clients. To start with, the organization needed that everybody around the globe ought to make the most of its items to satisfy their necessities and needs legitimately (Banutu-Gomez, 2012). Alongside this, the organization trusted that clients of various societies appreciate a similar taste far and wide. Coca-Cola has turned out to be a standout amongst the most well known brands on the planet through globalization. Besides, in light of globalization, the organization ended up noticeably ready to catch the shoppers' reliability so they may proceed with utilize its items to satisfy their requirements appropriately. On the other hand, the instance of Nike Inc., KFC, McDonalds, et cetera are the other positive instances related to globalization. Every one of these organizations extends their organizations in both national and additionally universal markets through globalization (AlAbri, 2011). Globalization produced various constructive outcomes for the development and accomplishment of the business associations. The organizations ended up noticeably ready to extend their organizations in the universal market; and furthermore to take favorable circumstances of the world economy for the development of organizations. Alongside this, globalization gave a worldwide scale to exchange; so the organizations may extend their commercial centers and appreciate economies of scale in a viable and a fitting way. Globalization has advanced outside exchange all around the globe. Items and administrations that individuals just found in created nations can found in creating nations because of globalization (Dumit rescu Vinerean, 2010). Presently, People and business associations can get anything from any nation of the world. It is a result of globalization has advanced import and fare amongst developing and developed countries. Thusly, every one of these cases and thing show towards the inspiration of globalization. Negative Cases: There are various negative components identified with globalization that impacted the achievement and development of the business associations in negative way. The most negative impact of globalization can be seen on the oil organizations. The organizations expanded the oil-costs after globalization. It is a direct result of now they can exchange oil in every single country of the world (Adesina, 2012). As a result, the request of oil expanded in a sensational way. Also, because of appeal of oil, oil nations expanded the oil costs. They just need to enhance the productivity and take preferences of world economy. Yet, it was extremely risky for the countries those are powerless in their money related viewpoints. They were not able pay high costs of oil. At the end of the day, it additionally can be stated, that high expanded costs of oil make a hole amongst developing and developed countries. The fundamental purpose for it was that created nations could pay high costs of oil; yet creating nations were not able play high costs of oil (Stiglitz, 2015). In this way, it is one of the negative cases that are identified with globalization. In addition to this, globalization prompted unemployment level inside countries. This is likewise another negative case or influence of globalization. There can be seen an expanded rivalry among business association because of globalization and worldwide financial combination (Nissanke Thorbecke, 2007). Along these lines, the business firms need to cut their expenses, and furthermore enhance their efficiency, productivity, and proficiency. Accordingly, they choose to lessen the quantity of workers; and this circumstance expanded the level of unemployment inside both created and additionally creating nations. In addition, Indonesia is an illustration that confronted the circumstance of unemployment and destitution accordingly of unemployment. Alongside this, globalization spread western culture within nations all around the world. For case, Africa is an illustration that took after the western culture rather than its neighborhood culture that prompted shortage or dearth inside countr ies (Jaumotte Tytell, 2007). On the other hand, globalization has its negative impacts on the developed as well as developing countries. Globalization has created occupations weaknesses among the general population of created nations. Individuals have lost their employments because of the improvement of cutting edge advancements. Additionally, globalization has prompted abuse of work. Security principles are disregarded by business associations to deliver shabby merchandise and furthermore to enhance their efficiency and in addition gainfulness. Alongside this, globalization has prompted variety in costs. The created nations have decreased their costs to win more benefits in the aggressive business time (Juhant Ã… ½alec, 2008). Therefore, creating nations likewise lessened their costs and these things additionally decreased the benefit of business associations. These are the negative cases or influences of globalization. Conclusion On the premises of the above discourse, it can be believed that, globalization has provided new dimensions for the growth and success of the business organizations in the international market. Both, developing as well as developed countries are taking advantages of free trade by using the concept of globalization in their business and operational activities. Along with this, globalization has influenced both developing and developed nations in a positive manner. It has contributed in the positive economic growth and development of nations. Globalization has opened new entryways for the development and achievement of organizations in the worldwide market. Business firms wound up plainly ready to take points of interest of the world economy for the monetary development of the countries. Both developing as well as developed nations were similarly profited through globalization. Globalization created solid connections amongst different nations of the world. It advanced monetary joining a nd partnership between countries. Globalization has reduced trade barriers and restrictions among nations. It developed strong relationships of culture, and trade among nations. Apart from this, with the concept of globalization, both developed and developing nations are assimilating as well as exchanging cultural, social, and economic aspects beyond national boundaries. Globalization has improved transport system, and telecommunication infrastructure; so that business firms can interact with one another in a trouble free manner. It has clarified international laws and regulations related to trade to promote business organizations and to make effective trade among nations. Apart from this, there are various positive as well as negative cases that are identified with the concept of globalization. These cases show that globalization has both positive and negative impacts on the growth of nations. But, in general, globalization is an important concept that is useful for the economic financial growth and development of all the nations of the world References Adesina, O.S. (2012). The negative impact of globalization on Nigeria. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(15), 193-201. AlAbri, K. (2011). The impact of globalization on education policy of developing countries: Oman as an example. Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal, 2(4), 491-502. Aydinli, E., Rosenau, J. N. (2012). Globalization, Security, and the Nation State: Paradigms in Transition. New York: SUNY Press. Banutu-Gomez, M.B. (2012). Coca-Cola: International business strategy for globalization. The Business Management Review, 3(1), 155. Basu, P.P, Bhattacharya, P., Das, R., Ghosh, A., Sarkar, K.C. (2007). State, Nation and Democracy: Alternative Global Futures. USA: Concept Publishing Company. Bianchini, J.A., Akerson, V.L., Barton, A.C., Lee, O., Rodriguez. A. J. (2012). Moving the Equity Agenda Forward: Equity Research, Practice, and Policy in Science Education. USA: Springer Science Business Media. Braun, M.A. (2008). Does it Matter for the Business World Whether Globalization Worsens Income Inequality Between and Within Nations? Germany: GRIN Verlag. Cornia, G.A. (2001). Globalization and health: results and options. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 79(9), 834-841. Dahlman, C. (2007). Technology, globalization, and international competitiveness: Challenges for developing countries. asdf, 29. Retrieved From: Dator, J.A., Pratt, R., Seo, Y. (2006). Fairness, Globalization, And Public Institutions: East Asia And Beyond. USA: University of Hawaii Press. Dumitrescu, L., Vinerean, S. (2010). The glocal strategy of global brands. Studies in Business and Economics, 5(3), pp.147-155. Frege, C., Kelly, J. (2013). Comparative Employment Relations in the Global Economy. NY: Routledge. Goldberg, P.K., Pavcnik, N. (2007). Distributional effects of globalization in developing countries. Journal of economic Literature, 45(1), 39-82. Goryakin, Y., Lobstein, T., James, W.P.T., Suhrcke, M. (2015). The impact of economic, political and social globalization on overweight and obesity in the 56 low and middle income countries. Social Science Medicine, 133, 67-76. Jaumotte, F., Tytell, I. (2007). How Has the Globalization of Labor Affected the Labor Income Share in Advanced Countries? USA: International Monetary Fund. Juhant, J., Ã… ½alec, B. (2008). Surviving Globalization: The Uneasy Gift of Interdependence.UK: LIT Verlag Mnster. Lee, E., Vivarelli, M. (2006). The social impact of globalization in the developing countries. International Labour Review, 145(3), 167-184. Nissanke, M., Thorbecke, E. (2007). The Impact of Globalization on the World's Poor: Transmission Mechanisms. USA: Springer. Ritzer, G., Dean, P. (2014). Globalization: A Basic Text. USA: John Wiley Sons. Roberts, J.T., Hite, A. B., Chorev, N. (2014). The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change. USA: John Wiley Sons. Spence, M., Leipziger, D. (2010). Globalization and Growth: Implications for a Post-Crisis World. USA: World Bank Publications. Stiglitz, J. (2015). Globalization and Its Discontents. Australia: Penguin UK.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Who conducted more skilful Foreign policy an Example by

Who conducted more skilful Foreign policy? At the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century, foreign policy was urgent question not only for USA but also for some European countries. Especially those which had colonies in Pacific region, South America and Eastern or Central Asia. Kings or presidents were trying to have influence over colonies and were either struggling with them or supporting, sending troops or implementing import tariffs, etc. Need essay sample on "Who conducted more skilful Foreign policy?" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed When analyzing foreign policy of McKinley and Cleveland, not to forget that their presidencies have been conducted during challenging economic conditions: crash of stock market and depression in 1893 (beginning of Clevelands presidency). To have growing economy, political stability and conduct effective foreign policy - is ability of not every president. But solutions that each president had to deal with - either economical or political - demanded from both of them the following skills: high personal values, tactics and ability to attain goal effectively. Undergraduates Often Tell EssayLab professionals:How much do I have to pay someone to write my assignment today?Specialists recommend: Professionals Are Creating Successful College Custom Essays!Best Essay Writing Service Get Paid To Write Essays For Students Pay Someone to do Your Assignment Essay Writer Service To some extend, McKinley and Cleveland were skillful in their foreign policy, but each of them were using different types of its achievement. From one side, previous presidency of Cleveland, helped McKinely to conduct his foreign policy. For instance - Hawaii. According to Philip Kunhardt, annexation of Hawaii was one of major issues of Clevelands foreign policy and failed mainly because of improper work of US diplomat John Sterens. But from the other side, for McKinley, annexation of Hawaii was not only establishment of US security in Pacific. As to me, he used Clevelands failure of Hawaiian annexation and in this way his foreign policy benefited. Indeed, this is a skill worth noticing. From this episode we get another judgment about presidents and conducted foreign policies: they carried an authority and pushed forward posed goals differently. I think that to stay out of the war is a skill also. Skillful policy is the one, which does not require unthinking loss of other peoples lives. In my understanding, McKinleys foreign policy has been more aggressive that Clevelands. Actually, McKinley was the one, who started era of international expansion of USA and founds its continuation until today (recent Iraqi crisis). Cleveland did not involve country into the war and this is very strong argument. But note, that even though his policy was less provocative, he had implications towards insurrection in Cuba in 1985. During his cadency, McKinley was the one who led United States into the international war since 1812 (War with Spain over Cuba). Of course, US did not officially declare about their plans to annex Cuba, but this newly formed country automatically fall under US protectorate as well as other former Spanish colonies: Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam. Therefore in this issue of foreign policy each president had made his c ontribution, but still, Clevelands policy was not so aggressive and therefore more skillful. My next argument is to support Clevelands foreign policy again. This example relates also to the presidents ability of being aware of current international events and taking them into account. During Venezuelan Boundary Dispute, Richard Olney (former attorney general and secretary of state since 1985) increased influence of United States in Latin America at Britains expense. When dispute arose, US pressed Britain to agree to arbitration over this matter and as London had been involved at this time into crisis in Africa - this issue was resolved positively for Venezuela. McKinley in turn, has sent during his presidency 2,000 troops to China to help the Europeans to struggle with Boxer Rebellion and intervened Nicaragua twice. When thinking of United States back at the end of 19th century I come to conclusion that Clevelands foreign policy has been conducted with greater maturity and thoughtfulness. I also consider Clevelands foreign policy to be more skillful, but understand that this argument could be controversial as well. But if we think from current point of view, we might find that this unskillful policy of McKinley have brought us to more successful outcomes United States as new powerful empire on the worlds stage. "All a man can hope for during his lifetime [is] to set an example," William McKinley had once said, "and, when he's dead, to be an inspiration for history." List of references: Gibney, Frank Is President Bush Repeating McKinley's Mistake in the Philippines? History News Network. 28 July 2003. George Mason University. 19 May 2004. Gomez, Mazimo, Gomes sends a letter to U.S. President Grover Cleveland The Timetable History of Cuba. Feb.9, 1897. History of Cuba. 19 May 2004.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Stargirl Character Analysis Essay Example

Stargirl Character Analysis Paper Stargirl is a very eccentric character. We see that she acts very different compared to the other students. We see this at the basket ball match when she cheers the both teams. Even if the opponents score she cheers for them too. All the students conform and are not used to someone standing out of the crowd. People do not appreciate her for who she is. Her differences do not gain her any favors but make her life worse as others dont understand. She also act weirdly and this also makes her a target. Leo mentions that Stargirl cheered whenever the ball went into the basket, regardless which team shot it. He also mentions that she cheered anyone, anywhere, anytime. This shows how eccentric Stargirl is. She is very different and others dont appreciate her kind thoughts. She act like this because of her different background. Stargirls eccentric ways are looked down upon because everyone conforms. They do not see eccentric people as their own and thus she has a rough time alone. Stargirl is very extraordinary. We see this when she comes to mica high school or the first time. She wears different clothes that seem out of fashion, she sings happy birthday to everyone, Stargirl also has a pet rat named Cinnamon, she also plays the ukulele. People see her unusual behavior as a bad thing. She stands out from the crowd and is a constant target. Leo mentions that she wore and off white dress white ruffles and looked like it could have belong to Her grandmother. He also saysshe began to strum her uke, it was happy birthday. This shows her extraordinary side. She is different is nearly every aspect and is understood only by Leo who is the only one that appreciates her Different ways. Stargirl has extraordinary hobbies, fashion, actions and personality. Many people do not appreciate this but she enjoys being special. We will write a custom essay sample on Stargirl Character Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stargirl Character Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stargirl Character Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Stargirl is very empathetic. She cares for everyone and is very kind. She is very emotional and doesnt like anyone being

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Culture and Politics of the country of Mexico

Culture and Politics of the country of Mexico Culture is the way of life of a given people. It entails how people behave and perceive different life issues. It includes aspects like religion, ethnicity, customs, language, beliefs, and food among other aspects that define a people. Culture varies from one place to another depending on the circumstances surrounding a place, for instance, climate and environment and how people perceive things.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Culture and Politics of the country of Mexico specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Politics on the other hand entails the process by which a group of individuals come together and make collective decisions. It could also be seen as a way through which state or governmental affairs are run. This piece of work will give an in depth discussion of the culture and politics of Mexico. Mexico has an interesting culture. Just like any other aspect, culture in Mexico has undergone a lot of changes especial ly as from the 20th century. People’s lifestyle, particularly those in the cities, has become similar to that experienced in Europe and the United States of America. In regard to language, Spanish is widely used in Mexico. However, there are a total of 62 indigenous languages that have been recognized by the Mexico government as national languages. Another cultural aspect in Mexico is art. Mexico is a country that is known for its folk art. The art has its origin from indigenous and Spanish crafts. There is a lot of pottery and garments embroidery. Pre Columbian architecture is widely spread in the country. In Mexico, religion is left open and there is no one religion that is made official. However, Catholicism has the largest membership, approximately 83%. Protestantism has 9% followers of the total population including Jehovah’s Witness and Seventh-day Adventist. Buddhism, Islam and Judaism are also proclaimed in Mexico although to a small extent. The ethnic groups include the Mestizos and about 52 indigenous ethnic groups (Joseph and Henderson 47). In regard to politics, Mexico government is a federal republic, led by President Felipe Calderà ³n who was elected in the year 2006. The government is founded on a congressional political system and thus the President has got a lot of powers and heads the state, the government as well as well as a multi-party structure. The federal government is deemed to represent the United Mexican States. It is divided into three branches; the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. The government follows the political constitution of the United Mexican States, of 1817 (Wasserman 99).Advertising Looking for report on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are about seven political parties in Mexico the main ones being the Institutional Revolutionary Party, the National Action Party, and the Party of the Democratic Revolut ion. All political parties are required to promote democracy in the country and to act as a medium through which the citizens can participate in public office affairs. Every individual who has reached 18years has a right to vote. In Mexico, there are usually different levels of elections, that is, the presidential elections, the congressional elections, and the State elections. There have been considerable changes in the Mexican politics all aimed at making the country better. However, there exist some political disputes due to varying views by different agencies. This has affected the country’s economy. For this reason, there ought to be a positive move taken by the President, the politicians and the political parties irrespective of the compromise that each unit ought to make for the best of the majority (Starr and Council on Foreign Relations 25). A map showing Mexico Culture and Politics (including the Government, Economy and Population) Source: https://www.factmonster.c om/atlas/north-america/mexico Joseph, Michael Gilbert, and Henderson Timothy. The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002. Print. Starr, Pamela, and Council on Foreign Relations. Challenges for a Post election Mexico: Issues for U.S. Policy. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2006. Print.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Culture and Politics of the country of Mexico specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Wasserman, Mark. Everyday Life and Politics in Nineteenth Century Mexico: Men, Women, and War. Albuquerque, New Mexico: UNM Press, 2000. Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Aviation Legislation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Aviation Legislation - Essay Example The board also has a responsibility of making sure there is advanced engineering technology in the aviation industry. Moreover, the board is entitled to maintain a peaceful aviation industry that is adequate to cope with all the requirements of war (Lawrence, 2008). The other significant importance of the Moral Board is making sure that the aircraft manufacturing industry runs and operates in the recommended way. The board manages to enact this obligation by undertaking most of the government policies related to manufacturing and maintenance of aircrafts. The board is also entitled to make sure that there are essential needs and equipments to assist in maintaining security all over the country. The other major obligation of the Morrow Board is to make investigations on various matters that hinder or cause poor performance in the aviation industry especially in both navy and army departments. The board is also entitled to make various recommendations that ought to be considered after weighing various opinions from different stakeholders in the aviation industry (Lawrence, 2008). The American government passed the Railway Labor Act back in 1926 but later made various amendments on the law (Lawrence, 2008). The significance importance of the act in relation to the airline industry is that it deals with various labor related issues. Moreover, the act also deals with various labor issues related to the railroad industries. The act protects the rights of employees in the airline industry. It manages to accomplish this obligation by providing a peaceful environment in disposition of disputes between carriers and their employees. The act also manages to impose a duty on both carriers and employees in order to put reasonable efforts while trying to maintain collective bargaining agreements. The duty helps to settle disputes between the two bodies by providing various resolution

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should high schools offer vocational education, or should students go Essay

Should high schools offer vocational education, or should students go to trade schools for practical job training - Essay Example It can be said beyond doubt that academic education plays an important role in sharpening and broadening the minds of the students, however practical application of the theoretical studies do much more. Providing vocational education in the high schools also diversify the curriculum, providing students with greater learning and experience. If a person wishes to pursue a career in a technical field, he needs to have a solid foundation and practice to ensure a successful career. This foundation can be made if high schools offer optional vocational education to its students. Vocational education also prepares the students for their practical life by granting them exposure to the practical works (Copa). If the students get vocational education during their high school, they can also polish their skills by working part time in the related field; so that by the time, their high school is finished, they would be ready to follow their respective careers. Providing vocational education in hig h school also allows the students to recognize their interests so that, in future they can opt for a career that suits their liking (Felder and Glavin). The market for skilled technical labor is constantly on the rise. Technical workers are hugely in demand and thus get high compensations for their work.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Human Genetics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Genetics - Essay Example Conducting methodical investigations in human genetics would therefore help scientists or researchers understand how diseases are caused, how they spread, and subsequently form the foundation for the creation of new drugs to treat various medical conditions. There are many reasons why this topic is worth my research. In the contemporary world, the human race has been faced by many health problems many of which have no cure. For instance, there are no known cures for diseases such as HIV/AIDS and chronic cancers. Conducting more research in the field of human genetics can help understand these diseases more and therefore help in the development of new drugs to cure them. My current comprehension on this topic include basic concepts on heredity particularly how genes are passed from one generation to another. In addition, I have an understanding of the human DNA and its importance in genetic research. Since there has been a lot of advancement in the field of human genetics, one of the issues this research would focus on include the contributions of modern technology in genetic research, and the degree of genetic differences in human beings, as well its significance. Subsequently, how genetics cause ill health among individuals would also be discussed in the research. Australian Law Reform Commission. The Regulation of Human Genetic Research: The Importance of Human Genetic Research. n.d. Web. 22 April. 2014.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Origin Of The Term Identity Politics Cultural Studies Essay

Origin Of The Term Identity Politics Cultural Studies Essay A Contested Term. The origin of the term identity politics is sometimes traced to the 1960s Civil Rights Movement but it was articulated by women of colour in their 1977 Combahee River Collective Statement. The term refers to collective group identities like race, ethnicity, sex, religion, caste, sexual orientation, physical disability as the basis for political analysis and action. Its main objective is to empower individuals to articulate their discrimination and invisibility through consciousness raising and action. Identities and Movements It is important to debate this term and its politics as it has been the basis for several movements as well as an ideological challenge to existing analytical frameworks and explanations. In the 1980s, there was a cultural and religious revivalism in the form of ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, Hindu communalism in India and global Islamist fundamentalism. In the 1990s, there was the violence and tragedy of former Yugoslavia, movements based on tribal identities in Rwanda and Sudan. Many countries especially in the European Union saw right wing movements in the context of immigration and nationalism with debates on Britishness or the banning of headscarves in France. Currently, scholars have seen its re-appearance in the Presidential contest between Obama and Hillary Clinton in the USA i.e. pitching their campaigns around the first woman president or the first black president. Making of an Identity Some identities come with birth like the black, caste or religious ones. Or they can be acquired like national ones, sexual preferences or interest groups. Identities are fluid, multiple and unstable. They may be blurred or erased over a period of time. That they may be created as the identity of being Indian was propagated after Independence from British colonialism. Multiple identities mean that they are competing with each other often resulting in conflicting loyalties like a woman may during a communal riot have to choose between her religious group identity and that of her gender. Often there is strong societal resistance to crossing identity boundaries like in the case of sexual identities. Social norms and institutions do not allow people to step out of their prescribed identity. Causes for Identity Mobilisations Why have identity movements emerged during this conjuncture of history? Theoretical explanations bring together the cultural, political and economic. The global flight of capital has spread industrialisation all over the world. World wide trade and communication has created a homogenization of culture and politics. Young people in most parts of the world are familiar with the Coke and Jean culture, American films and TV serials. However the impact of the economic process has been uneven. There is a polarisation between the rich and the poor in a country and between nations of the North and the South. Gender relations are also changing as more women are joining the workforce often when men are unemployed creating resentment and competition. Women are more mobile and visible. And the patriarchal family structure is weakening. Bitter Sweet There is a section of people who are benefiting from the globalised world market. But the aspirations and hopes of many are belied. Descending social and economic groups resent their loss of privileges. So there is a public outburst in UK that Indian doctors are taking over the British medical system or that outsiders are taking over jobs which should rightfully belong to Marathi speaking people in Mumbai. The onslaught of Westernisation and its values due to globalisation has created a reaction of orthodoxy. Right wing Muslim, Hindu and Christian groups have called for cultural re-assertion and pride in ones identity. Parallel to the sweeping cultural, political and economic changes and identity based movements was the rise of post modernism in academia. As a critique of Marxist dominance in theory, post modernists gave culture a significant place in analysis and shifted the focus to power relations, identities, construction of gender, class, race etc. The Rise of Identity Movements [ Used in Womens Movement] Identities are powerful sources of consciousness and mobilization as they make an individual conscious of his/her identity and bring them together for political protest and demands through violent or other means. At present there are large mobilisations based on identities like: World wide Islamist Movements Hindu right wing movements Regional self determination movements like Tamil homeland in Sri Lanka, Kashmir and North East in India, Kurds in Turkey Sexual preferences like the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered [LGBT] movement Trade Union Movements There is a tendency to see id based movements as regressive because they are usually associated with right wing movements. But the sexuality movements have challenged conservative notions of sex and sexual activities. 6. The Other Exclusion and Inclusion are critical criteria for identity formation. The we of a certain group can only be identified versus they of the other group. The process of defining and controlling these boundaries of difference has been coined as Other-ing. This process of creating sameness and otherness amongst people, has been used to justify all manners of oppression and violence against marginalized, weaker, less powerful groups. Across history these have included Women, Blacks, Jews, Homosexuals, Dalits, Tribals, lower classes, People with Disabilities etc. The Ideal Woman Identity Movements, which are right wing, have given a special place to women. For example, both Muslim fundamentalism and Hindu communalism project an ideal woman as indispensible for society. These ideals are related to womens dress, behaviour, sexual activity and motherhood. Nazi Germany glorified the blond Aryan woman, who bears children, accepts secondary status to her husband and the State. Muslim fundamentalism advocates a return to tradition as Islam is in danger, reinforces Muslim identity by rejecting Westernisation and especially by propagating the veil for women, role of a homemaker, and the return to or imposition of the Sharia Laws or Muslim Personal Laws. Roots of tradition are in the past and is not open to interpretation. Life and Laws flow from the holy book, and its meanings are fixed and non debatable. Women are regarded as guardians of Muslim culture and honoured as long as they perform their duties to be good mothers and raise their sons as warriors of Islam. 8. Sita not Draupadi Hindu communalists idealise Sita, the wife of the mythological god, Ram. The qualities of Sita are that of a chaste pati vrata or ideal wife who follows her husband to the forest, bears him sons and immolates herself when her fidelity is in suspicion. Draupadi on the other hand was an articulate, assertive and proud woman who has 5 husbands, who she continually challenges and even seeks revenge. Women have been part of the internalisation process since their childhood. They too believe in many of these values and strive to maintain the roles propagated by fundamentalists. And for doing so, they are honoured and given status by their men and fundamentalist leaders. Many educated, professional and Westernised women have turned to their religion because it also offers them mental and physical security. Crisis in Feminism The womens movement and feminist theory went into a crisis with the advent of post modernism and identity based movements. The former contested the category woman as also all universalisms. Women could not be considered a homogenous group and the using of we was politically incorrect. The slogans of women of colour were picked up by Jewish women, indigenous and later Third World women. Global sisterhood was laid to rest. These voices of other feminists introduced the notions of feminisms, rather than simply feminism. In addition, these feminisms brought in the notion of multiple oppressions, multiple patriarchies and womens movements. Feminist analysis shifted from standpoint feminism to various postmodernist feminisms. Studies on womens subordination across cultures, societies, and historical periods shifted to micro-narratives of class/race/and gender. 10. Crisis in Feminist Politics The clash of multiple identities and allegiances which surround them came out into the public. The womens movement in India and the feminist groups are not that large or popular to have reached the masses of women to shore up a gender based identity. In the absence of a popular secular movement, the majority of women align with their caste or religious identities. Large numbers of them participated during the Mumbai Riots of 1992-93 after the demolition of the Babri Masjid against Muslims and in support of the sati of Roop Kanwar [1987] against feminist groups and progressive movements asking for a ban. In the Shah Bano Case [1985], women supported a maintenance law formulated by the govt and Muslim leaders against their own interests. Sometimes women are pulled into battles not of their making as in the case of the Cauvery River riots. Both Tamil and Kannadiga women had no knowledge of river water issues but were subjected to rape and molestation by the rival community. Domestic violence becomes invisible in the face of other state wide violence like in Kashmir, North East and Sri Lanka. Women would like to address domestic violence but sacrifice their individual rights as women to community rights for self determination. 10. Strategies One of the main problems with identity politics is that its assumptions can lead to an almost infinite number of small, atomised identity groups. Taken forward this logic comes to mean that ultimately each individual is her own group. Identity politics makes it difficult to bring together large groups to protest and collectively act for radical social change. In an oblique way, it supports conservatism and status quo and works against collective struggle. On the other hand, identity politics has introduced important elements and lessons within the womens movement. It has changed its lexicon, challenged its assumptions and visibilised many sections of women and transgendered people. Sexual minorities, religious minorities, women with disabilities and race and caste based womens groups have come into their own with vibrant movements. The lessons for the womens movement in general is that it has to respect and build bridges with different identity groups, take on board their agendas and issues and together move towards transformative strategies for a just society.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Disabilities Awareness Program :: College Admissions Essays

Disabilities Awareness Program    As the first student editor of this Disabilities Awareness newsletter for high school students, I was initially wary of the task. I had virtually no contact with anyone who faced a disability. I believe the fact that I was not familiar with the subject made me more curious about whom I would meet and what stories I would encounter. As editor, I presided over a group of students who helped develop and write this first edition. We have all learned a great deal from one another about people with disabilities and our attitudes toward them. Responding to a request sent out to English teachers, we came together to try something new which I hope you will enjoy reading as much as we have enjoyed writing.    My first job as student editor was to attend a ceremony last June at the Executive Mansion celebrating the inclusion of students with disabilities in New York State schools. I was completely awestruck at the determination of the students I met there. They had so willingly separated the myths of disabilities from the facts. These young students did not look at the disabilities that other students had, but saw through them and saw the person.    At the ceremony some special people came together to celebrate not only the success of inclusion, but the acceptance of inclusion. The day brought smiling faces for many children and adults alike who had participated in some way by including a person with a disability in some aspect of their lives. At the ceremony in the Executive Mansion, First Lady Libby Pataki presented achievement awards to both students and teachers. The Mansion was filled with the sounds of laughter.    It was after this ceremony that a group of students got together to write articles included in this publication. There were many stories submitted of inspiration and hope. Many of them parallel what was shown at the ceremony. Yet the thing which stands out the most is the concept that these are people. They are not the disability but they are the person. It is often forgotten that there is more to see than the disability. The personal struggles and acceptances point out what is really important.    Classrooms in 23 schools across the State participated in the Disabilities Awareness Program last year. Many more schools will join the program this year.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Conflict of Women in 20th Century India

Throughout recorded history, women the world over have been held to different standards than men. They have been consistently oppressed in nearly all aspects of life, from political to personal, public to private. In the 20th century, great strides have been taken to end this oppression and level the playing field. In India however, a number of deeply rooted traditions have made this effort particularly difficult, and as a result, women's triumphs over oppression in India are all the more intriguing. To understand the position women found themselves in at the dawn of the 20th century, one must have a general understanding of the numerous historical women's conflicts unique to the Subcontinent. It took the overwhelming success of Gandhi's nonviolent revolution to unite women politically and create the an atmosphere whereby women, empowered by the times, could take a stand for their equality. The 1970's saw the beginning of a highly organized modern women's movement in India. Violence against women was one of the main focuses of the movement. Harassment, wife-beating, rape, and â€Å"dowry deaths† were all too common, and police enforcement was ineffective as were most attempts at prosecution. Commonly called â€Å"atrocities against women†, these acts occurred frequently. Why then, if these events were happening so often, was there so much apathy towards them on the part of the courts and the police? To answer this question one must look back upon a history marked by religiously and culturally accepted forms of oppression such as female infanticide, polygamy, purdah and sati. Purdah, still practiced today in many Moslem societies, is the practice of covering a women in cloth to protect them from the gaze of non-family males, in order to maintain their purity. This practice became common in India in the days of the sultanate. From a traditional western perspective this is a very repressive requirement. Gandhi took a particular pleasure in bringing women out of purdah, and involving them in the political movements of the times. Sati is another story. Early British rule in India was careful to stay out of the traditions and private lives of the natives. They ruled indirectly, typically demanding monetary tribute from local leaders in exchange for allowing them to rule as they pleased. This philosophy changed dramatically under the governor-generalship of Lord William Cavendish Bentinck which began in 1828. He began a much more interventionist policy that included the an increase in transportation facilities, industrialized cloth production (which displaced the ancient commercial structure) and he abolished the ancient tradition of sati (female infanticide was also outlawed by the British). The last of which caused a great rift in India's intellectuals and businessmen. Sati is an ancient Hindu tradition whereby a widow is burned in the cremation fire of her departed husband. This practice was abhorred by British missionaries and businessmen. However, to many of India's intellectuals it was an act of bravery and dedication on the part of the widow, to be admired. This is evidenced by the first petition against the intervention, which stated, â€Å"Hindoo widows perform (sati), of their own accord and pleasure, and for the benefit of their Husbands' souls and for their own, the sacrifice of self-immolation called Suttee (another spelling of sati)- which is not merely a sacred duty but a high priviledge†(Stein, p. 22). For those who did not take part in this practice, the life of a Hindu widow was a very restricted one. A census conducted in 1881 showed that one-fifth of all women were widows, so these restrictions were very important. The Dharmashashra of Manu (a Hindu text) talks about how a Brahmin widow should act stating, â€Å"†¦ but she may never mention the name of another man after her husband has died. (Stein, p. 94) As child brides were common in the Subcontinent, one often saw young widows unable by traditional law to remarry and make an attempt at a new life. Furthermore, they rarely had the education to support themselves. Education was historically bestowed solely upon the males. In the 19th century only the wealthiest of families sought after any sort of formal education for their female children, and there was no movement in the government to change this. â€Å"A survey of Madras found over 5000 girls enrolled in Indian language schools, as against 179,000 boys†(Stein p. 268). This lack of concern for the formal education of women exemplifies how their place in society was viewed. The treatment of high cast women was one of the first forms of oppression attacked by advocates of women's rights. In the 1860's action was taken by avid social reformer Madhav Govinda Ranade, who founded the Widow Re-marriage Association and the Deccan Education Society (which sought to increase young women's educational facilities). Although Ranade challenged some of traditions that prevented the liberation of women, he was seen by many as a hypocrite, himself taking on a child bride after the death of his wife. Soon however women would take the reins in the battle for their own independence. A woman by the name of Ramabia is considered, â€Å"the first Indian Feminist to address other women directly about emancipation† (Stein, p. 275). She, like Ranade, was a member of the Brahman caste. She would go on to travel and study in England and later in America, where she wrote about the mistreatment of women in India. A converted Christian upon her return to India, Ramabia opened schools for high caste women. This effort, in conjunction with various projects Ramabia worked on for women, was far ahead of its time and it would take nearly a century before women would tightly bind together to formally resist oppression. Early in the 20th century women were forbidden to protest their condition or even to congregate to discuss the matter. This was a right even the lowest cast males, the untouchables, was bestowed. It was a common belief at the time, that free women would inevitably come to neglect their marital responsibilities. The Indian National Congress, led by Gandhi, was one of the first political organizations to actively include woman, even women formally in Purdah. Although these women mobilized formally in the name of nationalism, it was this extensive political activity that would become a catalyst for future self conscious feminism (a school of thought that was looked upon with great caution and fear). In 1917 the congress demanded that women be able to vote on the same basis as men, but these efforts to were for the progress of nationalism rather than exclusively for the improvement of women's rights. The eventual partition and independence of India was seen as a tremendous success for passive resistance and the Gandhian way. In the decades to come a number of political movements would emerge that would utilize various forms of civil disobedience as their main form of protest. There was intense and organized women's participation in these movements, as a result of their participation in the independence movement there was a clear precedent for this. In the 1960's India saw the effects of dramatically improved agricultural techniques resulting from the new technology of the ‘Green Revolution'. However, these benefits did not come without a cost. Although food was more plentiful, farmers not wealthy enough to keep up with the technology got left in the dust. As a result women toiling on the land found themselves worse off than ever before. There were also severe environmental implications of the sudden and extensive use of technology. In response a number of movements emerged. Within these movements (such as the Marxist, the Farmers, and the Environmental movements) unified groups of women emerged and took on unprecedented responsibility. They actively and enthusiastically sought after redistribution of land and wages. The first group to cross over and actively seek out women's liberation was an organization of â€Å"new Marxists† called Magowa. Starting in Maharashtra, which would become the center for liberation activity, they wrote their second publication on the, â€Å"varied facets of women's oppression in India†(Omvedt p. 76). The population base of this movement was the rural and the toiling. This was important because the women of this group were already organized, although not all of these organizations with this base turned their focus toward feminist causes. 1974 was a pivotal year for the movement. Not only did it see the founding of POW (the Progressive Organization of Women), but it was the year that the official Status of Women Commission published their report, Towards Equality, on women's low and ever decreasing status in Indian society. This paper would add much fuel to the impending fire and validate it to the mainstream population. There were large conferences in Pune and Trivandrum in 1975 on women's issues further bringing the movement into the mainstream. Many autonomous groups popped up with different agendas and issues. Some of the common issues included; the division of housework, party politics, rape, and â€Å"dowry deaths†. The issues of violence, popularly called â€Å"atrocities against women† became the centerpiece of the movement in the early eighties and the cause for its expansion. A forum against rape in Bombay led to the creation of the Forum Against Atrocities on Women, or the FAOW. All over India these feminist groups were emerging. There constituencies came to included women from all walks of life No longer did women simply motivate toward third party objectives, they now fought for their own rights as the largest oppressed group in the nation. From an unanswerable and most often unaddressed problem in the 1800's, to a hotly contested issue on the cutting edge of politics in modern times, the conflict over women's rights in India has come full circle in one century. Although feminist sentiments existed throughout, it took active female inclusion in the political world by Gandhi's independence movement to give their voices strength and to eventually have them heard. There was avid political activity on the part of women and female organizations leading up to the 1947 split. The effectiveness of this work foreshadowed the influence women could have on politics when working together, and paved the way for the modern women's movement that began in the 1970's. Unfortunately, even at the end of the eighties â€Å"atrocities against women† were still occurring and they continue to occur today, but the change in attitude and the end of apathy that has emerged over the last century surely gives promise that someday there could truly be equality for women in India, and the world over.

Friday, November 8, 2019

King Louis I of France - Louis the Pious

King Louis I of France - Louis the Pious Louis I was also known as: Louis the Pious or Louis the Debonair (in French, Louis le Pieux, or Louis le Dà ©bonnaire; in German, Ludwig der Fromme; known to contemporaries by the Latin Hludovicus or Chlodovicus). Louis I was known for: Holding the Carolingian Empire together in the wake of his father Charlemagnes death. Louis was the only designated heir to survive his father. Occupations: Ruler Places of Residence and Influence: EuropeFrance Important Dates: Born: April 16, 778Forced to abdicate: June 30, 833Died: June 20, 840 About Louis I: In 781 Louis was appointed king of Aquitaine, one of the sub-kingdoms of the Carolingian Empire, and though he was only three years old at the time he would acquire great experience managing the kingdom as he matured. In 813 he became co-emperor with his father, then, when Charlemagne died a year later, he inherited the empire though not the title Roman Emperor. The empire was a conglomerate of several different ethnic groups, including Franks, Saxons, Lombards, Jews, Byzantines and many others across a great span of territory. Charlemagne had handled the many differences and the large size of his realm by dividing it up into sub-kingdoms, but Louis represented himself not as a ruler of different ethnic groups, but as a leader of Christians in a unified land. As emperor, Louis initiated reforms and redefined the relationship between the Frankish empire and the papacy. He carefully structured a system whereby various territories could be assigned to his three grown sons while the empire remained intact. He took swift action in quashing challenges to his authority and even sent his half-brothers into monasteries to prevent any future dynastic conflicts. Louis also performed voluntary penance for his sins, a display that deeply impressed contemporary chroniclers. The birth of a fourth son in 823 to Louis and his second wife, Judith, triggered a dynastic crisis. Louiss elder sons, Pippin, Lothair and Louis the German, had maintained a delicate if uneasy balance, and when Louis attempted to reorganize the empire to include little Charles, resentment raised its ugly head. There was a palace revolt in 830, and in 833 when Louis agreed to meet Lothair to settle their differences (at what became known as the Field of Lies, in Alsace), he was instead confronted by all his sons and a coalition of their supporters, who forced him to abdicate. But within a year Louis had been released from confinement and was back in power. He continued to rule energetically and decisively until his death in 840. More Louis I Resources: Dynastic Table: Early Carolingian Rulers Louis I on the Web The Ordinance of Louis the Pius - Division of the Empire of the Year 817Extract from Altmann und Bernheim, Ausgewahlte Urkunden, p. 12. Berlin, 1891, at Yale Law Schools Avalon Project. Emperor Louis the Pious: On Tithes, 817Extract from A Source Book for Medieval Economic History at Paul Halsalls Medieval Sourcebook. Louis the Pious: Grant of Minting Coins to Abbey of Corvey, 833Another extract from A Source Book for Medieval Economic History at Paul Halsalls Medieval Sourcebook. Louis I in Print The link below will take you to a site where you can compare prices at booksellers across the web. More in-depth info about the book may be found by clicking on to the books page at one of the online merchants. The Carolingians: A Family Who Forged Europeby Pierre Richà ©; translated by Michael Idomir Allen The Carolingian EmpireEarly Europe   Guide Note: This Whos Who Profile of Louis I was originally posted in October of 2003, and was updated in March of 2012. Content is copyright  ©2003-2012 Melissa Snell.   Chronological Index Geographical Index Index by Profession, Achievement, or Role in Society

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Keats And Shelly

A season of autumn is traditionally associated with dying of nature and expectations of the following winter time. For Romantic poets who are known for their extraordinary sensitivity to natural moods the period of fall becomes a great force for poetic creativity. Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" and John Keats's ode "To Autumn" are two beautiful poems which were blown to their authors by the English autumn. Both poets are influenced by the seasonal process in nature which ushers them into the mood of transience and aging. However, the two of them differently perceive the same natural manifestations. The radical poet Shelley observes the deadly changes in nature caused by the autumnal wind with an expectation for the following spring and revival. In the seasonal process he sees a symbolic prototype for possible revolutionary changes both in his own life and in the existing social structure of his country. His "Ode to the West Wind" primarily appeals to the active sublime power of the west wind to give him that energy which is able to change the world. At the same time, another Romantic poet Keats accepts the idea of aging and accomplishment. In his ode "To Autumn" he celebrates fruitfulness of the autumn and bides farewell to the passing away year and together with it to his great poetry. The Romantic autumnal odes of Shelley and Keats are born from the poetic observations of natural changes and from their ability to penetrate the mood of fall which provides them an incentive for artistic creativity. In "Ode to the West Wind" Shelley mainly concentrates his attention on his observations of the death caused by the autumnal wind. He compares the "dead leaves" to "ghosts", and the "winged seeds" to dead bodies which "lie cold and low... within [their] grave". All these images talk to the author of the "dying year", of transience of time and of ag... Free Essays on Keats And Shelly Free Essays on Keats And Shelly A season of autumn is traditionally associated with dying of nature and expectations of the following winter time. For Romantic poets who are known for their extraordinary sensitivity to natural moods the period of fall becomes a great force for poetic creativity. Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" and John Keats's ode "To Autumn" are two beautiful poems which were blown to their authors by the English autumn. Both poets are influenced by the seasonal process in nature which ushers them into the mood of transience and aging. However, the two of them differently perceive the same natural manifestations. The radical poet Shelley observes the deadly changes in nature caused by the autumnal wind with an expectation for the following spring and revival. In the seasonal process he sees a symbolic prototype for possible revolutionary changes both in his own life and in the existing social structure of his country. His "Ode to the West Wind" primarily appeals to the active sublime power of the west wind to give him that energy which is able to change the world. At the same time, another Romantic poet Keats accepts the idea of aging and accomplishment. In his ode "To Autumn" he celebrates fruitfulness of the autumn and bides farewell to the passing away year and together with it to his great poetry. The Romantic autumnal odes of Shelley and Keats are born from the poetic observations of natural changes and from their ability to penetrate the mood of fall which provides them an incentive for artistic creativity. In "Ode to the West Wind" Shelley mainly concentrates his attention on his observations of the death caused by the autumnal wind. He compares the "dead leaves" to "ghosts", and the "winged seeds" to dead bodies which "lie cold and low... within [their] grave". All these images talk to the author of the "dying year", of transience of time and of ag...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Nursing research - Essay Example In addition, it can also be determined by whether it has measured what it is intended to measure in this case the measure being the face value of data, the content validity of the data, and  by  a panel of judges. In this case, the judges use their opinion to determine whether the tool measured its conceived measure (Wood & Ross-Kerr, 2010). On the other hand, the validity of an instrument can also be determined using pragmatic measures that test the practical value of an instrument while focusing on the research questions. With constant determination of a tool or instrument as valid, there is no need for a researcher to test the reliability of an instrument. Nonetheless, there are three ways to determine the testing of the reliability of an instrument. First, reliability can be determined through testing the stability of the tools by producing dependable results overtime. On the other hand, the second approach involves the test for equivalency. A test for equivalency involves te sting whether the instrument was consistent while used by independent researchers. Finally, the test for reliability may involve testing the internal consistency of a tool by determining whether the measure of the consistency of the tool is in all parts (Wood & Ross-Kerr,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Deontology and Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Deontology and Utilitarianism - Essay Example He is attentive at school, does his homework, participates in class, is cooperative and cheerful, but he doesn’t have many friends. Jake may not have an active social life which makes him unhappy, but he is practicing good deontology. On the other hand, Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its outcome or utility in providing happiness or pleasure ( In Utilitarianism, if it benefits the majority, then it is the right choice. For advocates of Utilitarianism, the end justifies the means ( For this example, we will use Sheila, a classmate of Jake. Sheila is very pretty but does not perform as well as Jake academically. However, she has a lot of friends since she joins a lot of extra-curricular activities. Sheila allows most of her male friends to do things for her like homework and projects, which is mutually beneficial for both – with this, Sheila can be marked a bad deontologist but a good utilitarian. Now, applied to the office scenario, the basic premise should be that employees are expected to do their job in the workplace. A business enterprise will not succeed if personal agenda will take precedence over an employee’s duties and responsibilities. Personal matters can be done during breaks but not during business hours. Anything outside of this premise should be considered a breach of company policies and violator/s will have to be dealt with accordingly. The VP suggesting the installation of spyware and dislikes wasted productivity adheres to Deontological Ethics. Conversely, the VP who values privacy over productivity is a follower of Utilitarian Ethics. Although the respect for privacy is given more weight and is applicable to the majority, it does not necessarily mean that this choice is correct.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Different media texts analysis, relationship between media and Assignment

Different media texts analysis, relationship between media and communication and in terms of culture - Assignment Example Media will always want to maintain a good relationship with the society and therefore it tends to sell itself to the consumers by telling the society what they want to hear. Media is so dependent on the society because it cannot exist without it. Communication on the other hand is the flow and of ideas and information between individuals. Communication is only effective if the two or more communicating persons understand one another. It is only successful if the receiver is able to decode and understand received the message from sender (Carey, 1989). The communication process involves, first, the sender has to possess an element of feeling, idea, concept or information that he wants to pass to the sender. Next, involves encoding of the message. The message is sent to the intended receiver in words, symbols or appropriate language of the medium. Next, the decoding of the message takes place. This involves expression of the message in an intelligence language that the receiver understa nds. Lastly, the receiver gives feedback to the sender. This is an expression of the sender’s opinion. This can be in form of words, facial expression or feelings. Media textual analysis is the way in which the audience of given information make an intelligent, educated and a well understandable choice at the most likely interpretation about the information (Chin, 2011). It is a methodology used to carry out quantitative analysis of the content of some information in question. Texts from magazines, advertisements, television, clothes or films can be closely analyzed so as to obtain different ways in which different audiences interpret them according to different situational analysis. There are several factors that affect interpretation of media messages. First, cultural background has got a say on the interpretation an individual will give to a particular message. The cultural backgrounds could be religious, tribal or economic. For instance, journals from the west report that fatness is unhealthy. However, there is no general universal agreement that being fat is something worth not appreciating or appreciating. Some western medical and anesthetic arguments insist that having a larger body is neither attractive nor healthy. This is not the case in Africa (Chin, 2011). For example in Niger, being fat is the beauty of a woman. Therefore women get encouraged to take pills to gain appetite and steroids to become heavy. The media case above about the western journal is clear evidence that cultural disparity result to different aspects in which a media message gets interpreted. People from the western community who are influenced by scientific research would support the health journal report. On the other hand, the Niger community from Africa is greatly influenced by their African traditions (Berger, 2011). They believe that a woman is quantified by her body size. Their reaction to the journal would be dismissive. Differences in critical reasoning and thinkin g also display varying interpretation about media information. Logical reasoning is the basis of factual argument in the western countries inherited from Classical Greece (Silverstone, 1999). They will often subject facts to many options of possible understanding. Culture of the Jains in India poses several possible results of factual analysis. Is it a fact? May be it is, may be it is but it is not, and may be it is not. Let us consider a television advertisement of a sexual protective wear. Medium analysis has to take into account several

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay Example for Free

Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay Ralph Waldo Emerson was born into a pre-determined life. His father was a minister, so he was already set to become a minister. However, Emerson didn’t believe in organized religion. This was the reason that he became a transcendentalist and wrote his essay â€Å"Self Reliance†. In 1817, Emerson attended Harvard College where he first began to formulate his ideas that were portrayed in his most famous essay. In his essay, Emerson uses two main strategies to persuade his readers. These strategies were anecdotal stories and reasons supported by evidence. Throughout his essay, Emerson uses anecdotes as his main strategy for persuasion. For example, he tells an anecdote about when he was a child. When he was a child, he expressed his true beliefs to a close adult. When asked how he knows that his beliefs aren’t from the devil, Emerson responds by saying, â€Å"They do not seem to me to be such; but if I am the Devil’s child, I will live then from the Devil. † In this response he is saying even if his beliefs are from the Devil, it doesn’t matter. This is what he believes in and nothing can change that. This idea was Emerson’s main virtue that he lived by and wanted others to live by: trust thyself. Emerson’s anecdotes prove to be a very effective way to persuade his readers to believe in his ideas. The anecdotes in this essay are so effective because the reader is able to connect with him, and place themselves in his shoes. The anecdotes are also effective because they are a portal into Emerson’s life. Instead of just listing facts and statistics, Emerson chooses to tell stories about his life. This allows his readers to connect with him on a personal level and the readers develop a stronger emotional connection with Emerson. Another strategy that Emerson uses is reasons supported by evidence. This strategy is also effective because it gives the reader a reason why they should trust themselves, and then supports the reason with evidence to show why the reason is true. For example, he says that if people don’t trust themselves, then they will feel guilty and ashamed. This is the reason Emerson gives of why people need to trust themselves, and then he supports the reason with evidence by saying that it is a waste of time to want what thers want and â€Å"envy is ignorance; imitation is suicide†. He also says that to be truly happy, a man must accept himself for better and for worse. This evidence supports the reason that people should be happy with themselves the way they are. Emerson’s strategy of reasons supported by evidence is very effective because it gives the reader concrete evidence. The evidence supports the reason, and the reason supports the overall claim. The reasons and evidence are logical appeals which appeal to the reader’s good sense; this also makes the strategy effective. It is hard to argue when Emerson gives many concrete reasons to support his claim and then backs it up with even more evidence. Although Emerson’s essay â€Å"Self Reliance† has many good strategies and qualities, it also has some weaknesses. The essay is aimed at a small audience, educated white males. If he were to open the essay up to a broader audience, he would be able to spread his idea more effectively. For example if women were also targeted in the essay, then Emerson’s ideas would be spread to almost twice as many people. Another weakness in the essay is the overall claim. He says that people should trust themselves. This claim has no qualifiers; therefore Emerson is saying that people should trust themselves, always. This is not always true. Yet another weakness in the essay is that Emerson uses mostly anecdotal evidence. Although the anecdotes prove to be effective, the evidence inside of them is not all that concrete. The claims he makes in these anecdotes are not as strong as they could be if he had more of a variety of strategies to support his claims. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay â€Å"Self Reliance† tells its readers to trust themselves. He says that every heart vibrates to this iron string. Emerson uses many strategies in his essay; however the two main strategies are anecdotes and reasons supported by evidence. Both of these strategies prove to be very effective on the reader. The anecdotes allow the reader to connect with Emerson, and have strong emotional appeals on the reader. While the reasons supported by evidence apply the reader’s logic and give concrete examples that support his claim. â€Å"Self-Reliance† is a well written essay that persuades its readers to listen and trust themselves.